ÌÇÐÄSwag City University | Elizabeth Diener, Ph.D., RN, PNP, CNE


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Elizabeth Diener, Ph.D., RN, PNP, CNE




Dr. Elizabeth Diener has taught in programs of nursing for the past 30 years in New York, Missouri, and ÌÇÐÄSwag. She currently serves as Professor of Nursing. Liz is trained as a Caritas Coach in Watson’s Caring Science Institute, holds a certificate as a SoulCollage Facilitator, completed a post-doctoral Fellowship at the University of Arizona in Integrative Nursing Curriculum, and is a certified ANFT Nature and Forest Therapy Guide.. She currently is pursuing her teaching certification in MBSR at Brown University, School of Public Health. Her clinical practice areas have included, Pediatric AIDS Care, Neonatal Intensive Care, Pediatric Emergency Care, ECMO, Hospice & Palliative Care, and Nursing Leadership/Administration.

Education and Current Membership/Leadership

  • 2003: Ph.D. in Nursing - University of Missouri- St. Louis
  • 1994: MSN in Women’s Health - University of Missouri- Kansas City
  • 1979: BSN - Lindenwood College- St. Charles, MO
  • 1973: Diploma in Nursing - Barnes Hospital School of Nursing- St. Louis, MO

Teaching Interest

  • Mindful Leadership
  • Organizational Culture
  • Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) in Higher Education
  • Caring-based, Integrative Nursing Theory
  • Qualitative Research

Current Research/Scholarly Interest

  • Applications of Watson’s Caring Science Theory
  • Research on Women in Education
  • Mindfulness in Nursing Leadership
  • MBSR Applications in Higher Education

Awards, Recognition, and Service

  • Caritas Coach Certificate 2009 Cohort 1, Watson Caring Science Institute
  • University of Arizona 2018 Integrative Nursing Faculty Fellowship
  • Soul Collage Facilitator Certificate 2018
  • Scholarly Excellent Recognition by ÌÇÐÄSwag City University 2014
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